This began as an attempt to archive the memories of a special time and a special man... and soon took me on a journey to Rockford and Freeport Illinois. There I encountered people who still held close in their hearts and thoughts the man known as Philip Dedrick. To say this was a great man his humble nature would never accept. Embraced by friends and students, we knew him as someone unique who enriched our lives on so many different levels... foremost opening our eyes to what was beautiful in the world. Recently I came to understand those delightful, funny, and fascinating art history classes taught by Philip Dedrick propelled us like guided missiles into the studios of the Clark Arts Building to CREATE!

More will follow....... but for now I want to thank those who made this possible and have contributed: Roland & Louise Poska, Tom & Lynn Hartog, Jerry & Pat Hoffman, Andrew Langoussis, Rama Kakarala, Ali Hansen, Chuck Ludeke, Joe Tromiczak, Randi Williams, Bern Sundstedt, Chris Apel Walker, Mary Pryor and a special thank you to Jessica Caddell at the Freeport Art Center . It was she who found my 33 year old portrait of 'Bo-Bo' that I had thought lost.
Another rediscovered treasure is the Ludeke painting that was not only a wonderful surprise but an old friend for many accustomed to its place on the wall outside the art history room for years. What inspired Chuck in its creation is something he might share with us in the future; based on a classic it featured period cameos of the existing art faculty as well as a quietly snoozing P.D. that enchanted viewers, especially those who knew its cast of characters. It is an obscure compliment knowing the painting was part of the college art collection (Dedrick was principal architect of the art collection, which he helped assemble with single-minded devotion and guarded with missionary zeal) that was grievously auctioned off in 2006.
~Daumier's Third Class Carriage~
Circa 1976
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to read in chronological order... hence the posting dates have
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Please note: Unlike most blogs on the Internet, this is designed
to read in chronological order... hence the posting dates have
been fudged to defeat the system... when you reach the end
of each page just click on OLDER POSTS to continue.